
Create your Selenium test reports with Ant

In the previous blog post I described how to JUnit test your Selenium tests. Once you have this set up, you can use Ant to run this tests and create a report about the results.

Since there are standard targets for JUnit and JUnitReport in Ant, the Ant file is pretty clean. We start with setting up our environment, including a clean target. The tool I use to display the XML on my blog makes it a bit messy, but you get the idea:



We set up the output directories, the reports will come in the reports directory. In the Lib directory, we put the selenium standalone jar file that is used to run the Selenium test in JUnit. As well as the JUnit jar to run the JUnit test itself.

After that there are two targets, prepare and compile:



In the prepare we set up the structure and create the directories that we need. In the compile we look for all the java sources in the src directory and compile them to the classes directory. Now all that is left is a target to run the JUnit and create the reports:


I choose not to split those two target, since I never want to run a test without creating the reports or vice versa. The JUnit runs all the tests that are in the classes dir, where the compile target puts his output, he runs the JUnit test using the classpath that is set up in the environment and puts this in the output directory.
After this the JUnitReport tasks picks up the reports from the output directory and creates a HTML structure off all the tests that are ran. This is how the index.html looks:

You see an overview of the tests, the failures and erros, all clickable to drill down for more information.
If you like you can browse through the packages & classes.

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